Please Note: As of November 11, 2023, public health emergency status has expired. What does this mean for you? Read more…


College students, the vaccine, and looking towards fall


College students, the vaccine, and looking towards fall By Emily Kim Approximately 12,000 college students are participating in a new national clinical study called “Prevent Covid U,” designed by researchers at the COVID Prevention Network and endorsed by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The study will investigate [...]

College students, the vaccine, and looking towards fall2021-04-13T11:39:47+00:00

A Snapshot of School Reopenings Across the US


A Snapshot of School Reopenings Across the US By Emily Kim Covid cases are falling across the country, and now 11.5% of the population is fully vaccinated. Now, much of the focus has been on how to safely reopen society — and more specifically, schools. The CDC released updated guidelines [...]

A Snapshot of School Reopenings Across the US2021-03-31T12:16:04+00:00

Back in the game — the return of youth sports in California


Back in the game — the return of youth sports in California By Emily Kim Inspire Diagnostics is proud to announce that we have partnered with Test Today CA to offer a recently-launched program providing free Covid testing (leveraging CARES Act funds and insurance) to student athletes returning to their [...]

Back in the game — the return of youth sports in California2021-03-27T00:37:27+00:00

The Role of T Cells in Reducing COVID-19 Severity


The Role of T Cells in Reducing COVID-19 Severity By Emily Kim It is March once again, meaning that we’ve been living in a Covid-impacted world for an entire year. Cases have significantly declined in the US, but now they are starting to plateau — at levels that are still [...]

The Role of T Cells in Reducing COVID-19 Severity2021-03-24T15:07:22+00:00

Johnson and Johnson: the newest jab on the block


Johnson and Johnson: the newest jab on the block By Emily Kim On Friday, February 27th, FDA advisors officially confirmed the emergency-use authorization of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Joining Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna as the third FDA-recommended vaccine in the US, let’s break down everything you need to know about [...]

Johnson and Johnson: the newest jab on the block2021-03-17T23:27:31+00:00

Not so fast – why the use of vaccine passports is still a ways away


Not so fast – why the use of vaccine passports is still a ways away By Emily Kim Now that more and more Americans are getting vaccinated, the big question is what this means for the future. Will we be able to return to (at least some) form of normalcy? [...]

Not so fast – why the use of vaccine passports is still a ways away2021-03-12T23:14:28+00:00

Newest updates on effectiveness of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine


Newest updates on the effectiveness of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine By Emily Kim A recent UK study reinforces the effectiveness of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine against COVID-19. According to CNN, Public Health England (PHE) studied healthcare workers under the age of 65, and discovered that just one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine [...]

Newest updates on effectiveness of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine2021-03-08T23:54:18+00:00

The vaccine: one (but not the only) light out of the tunnel


The vaccine: one (but not the only) light out of the tunnel By Emily Kim We are almost one full year into the pandemic, and over the past month, Covid cases in the US have fallen dramatically. This trend can be attributed to many factors, but perhaps the most notable [...]

The vaccine: one (but not the only) light out of the tunnel2021-03-03T21:42:21+00:00

Traveling soon? Here’s what you need to know


Traveling soon? Here's what you need to know By Emily Kim Though the CDC has discouraged unnecessary travel during the pandemic, many Americans have found themselves in situations where traveling is simply unavoidable. So what do you do if you too find yourself in this category? What are some things [...]

Traveling soon? Here’s what you need to know2021-03-01T00:30:44+00:00

COVID-19 Through the Eyes of College Professors


COVID-19 Through the Eyes of College Professors By Emily Kim With August fast approaching, colleges and universities are scrambling to finalize plans for the start of the school year. So far, much of the focus has been on the students—students have expressed concern over the value of online learning, protested [...]

COVID-19 Through the Eyes of College Professors2021-02-26T13:49:26+00:00
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