Schools and Universities

Keeping Our Schools, Businesses and Communities Safe.

Keeping Our Schools, Businesses and Communities Safe

Inspire Diagnostics provides a reliable and efficient way to ensure a safe return to campus this spring.

  • 24-Hour Results: 99% accurate results in less than 24 hours.

  • Concierge Services: Supporting you with registration, testing, results and more!

  • Portals to View Results: Stay up to date with results.

  • Site Testing: We come to you!

Covid Kids

Safe and Reliable Testing

Trained Inspire technicians can administer the COVID-19 testing program on-site, or self-swab kits for pre-arrival testing can be mailed at scale.

Each kit comes with nasal self swabs, as well as detailed instructions on how to collect a specimen and then overnight it back in the mail to Inspire Diagnostics’ CLIA-licensed laboratory. Once samples are received, results are automatically reported to participants within 24 – 48 hours.

Convenient and Accurate

Convenient testing delivery, accurate self-swab test kits, and timely reporting make Inspire Diagnostics’ program the easiest and most effective way for education administrators to bring COVID-19 testing to their academic communities.

Testing is easy, quick, and reliable! We provide a comfortable and accurate testing experience and will assist you every step of the way.


Get in Touch

Inspire Diagnostics is committed to supporting our families, school districts, businesses, and various medical clinics by providing efficient and reliable COVID testing so that we can provide a safe environment for all.

To learn more please contact us at or 949-694-5700.