Inspire Panache Desai



This nasal swab rapid test is being provided with no out of pocket costs, as the fees will be billed to your insurance company. The covid 19 testing is being administered by a professional, non-affiliated lab. Results are received within 10 minutes. With these results, you may then move through to registration and receive your materials and name tag.

When completing your pre-registration, if you do not have insurance, the test will be paid for by the event organizer. Therefore, if uninsured, please enter “*” in the insurance field, and your test will be paid for directly by the organizer.

Inspire Panache Desai

Why Testing is Important

COVID-19 is a virus that is very infectious between 3 to 10 days from the time of infection

Over 40% of the people who has the virus are asymptomatic and show no symptoms

Without testing, there is not a clear way to monitor against the infection

Frequent testing has been shown to be the best way to create a safer environment