Inspire Walk-In


We at Inspire Diagnostics realize how challenging meeting all of the testing requirements for COVID testing for your cruise can be. In working with many of the leading brands for the cruise line industry, Inspire has set up hassle-free, testing programs for your pre-cruise sailing requirements as well as those that need Debarkation testing to travel back to their home.


We at Inspire Diagnostics realize how challenging meeting all of the testing requirements for COVID testing for your cruise can be. In working with many of the leading brands for the cruise line industry, Inspire has set up hassle-free, testing programs for your pre-cruise sailing requirements as well as those that need Debarkation testing to travel back to their home.

Purchase your pre-cruise/travel test. Inspire Diagnostics offers hassle-free testing for your traveling convenience.

Order Your Pre-Travel Testing

Our goal is to help you safely enjoy your cruise by making testing convenient for all guests.

Inspire Walk-In