Please Note: As of November 11, 2023, public health emergency status has expired. What does this mean for you? Read more…


How Contagious? Likely Before You Know You’re Sick


Scientists know that people are contagious in the early stages of infection with COVID-19, but just how contagious and for how long remains unclear. Although a lot of emphasis has been placed on the need to stay home if you feel sick, many studies have shown that people are often contagious before they know [...]

How Contagious? Likely Before You Know You’re Sick2021-05-29T19:50:38+00:00

As Many as 50 Percent of People with COVID-19 Aren’t Aware They Have the Virus


Researchers say 25 percent to 50 percent of people with COVID-19 are unaware they have the virus. This allows the novel coronavirus to spread more rapidly throughout a community. Experts say these carriers without symptoms make it even more important for people to wear face masks in public. There may be a lot of [...]

As Many as 50 Percent of People with COVID-19 Aren’t Aware They Have the Virus2021-05-29T19:52:48+00:00

What We Know About The Silent Spreaders Of COVID-19


Is it possible to be infected with the coronavirus and show no symptoms? Or go through a period of several days before symptoms kick in? And even in this stage with no cough, no fever, no sign of illness, could you be transmitting the virus to others? "There is evidence that SARS-CoV-2 has this ability to [...]

What We Know About The Silent Spreaders Of COVID-192021-05-29T19:55:12+00:00
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