The COVID Pandemic and the New Normal
With a mission of applying technology and innovations in testing to help communities and businesses to safely get back to some semblance of order and normalcy in this new COVID-19 era, Inspire Diagnostics has developed an easy online program for all Casino Night attendees to be tested with a molecular PCR mid-nose swab test.
We ask that all participants of Casino Night register below in order to take a COVID-19 test on the night of the event. The COVID-19 PCR test will be provided at the event with no cost to you.*
*Inspire Diagnostics will bill your health plan, the government, a government health plan or the uninsured fund for the testing. There will be no patient out-of-pocket cost. For those individuals wishing to pay personally rather than having it submitted to their health plan, the price is $119 for testing, plus $10 for electronic order review by an authorized 3rd party provider.
Why Frequent Testing is Important
COVID-19 is a virus that is very infectious between 3 to 10 days from the time of infection
Over 40% of the people who have the virus are asymptomatic and show no symptoms
Without regular testing, there is not a clear way to monitor against the infection
Frequent testing has been shown to be the best way to create a safer environment